Keep up to date with the latest pitopito kōrero.
Developing owner capability on the Chatham Islands
We've been helping Māori landowners on the Chatham Islands build their governance skills, with an eye to the future of their whenua administration.
Collaborating for warm homes and healthy whānau
We’ve joined forces with Te Puni Kōkiri to ensure more housing repairs take place for Māori whānau.
Working with owners to rejuvenate the land
We've been working with owners of whenua south of Hastings with the goal of returning their lake back to its former glory.
Creating a native forest in the heart of the city
Te Tumu Paeroa staff head off to Matairangi (Mount Victoria) in Wellington to put their green thumbs to work.
IWIinvestor launches Project Whetū – investment governance training for trustees
IWIinvestor has today announced the launch of Project Whetū – investment governance training for those who act as trustees or have responsibility for investment decisions.
Kristy Roa, showing the world the future is farming
Twenty year old Kristy Roa is the 2019 winner of the Ahuwhenua Young Māori Farmer award for sheep and beef.
Showcasing the best in Sheep and Beef farming
Eugene and Pania King of Kiriroa Station are the winners of the Ahuwhenua Trophy for the top Māori sheep and beef farm in Aotearoa for 2019.
Investing in Māori development through whenua
Strategic investment into the development of whenua, and more support for Māori freehold landowners and their whānau was announced by the Government today.
Te Kaha Māori partnership get provincial growth funding
The Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) is supporting a group of Māori landowners in Eastern Bay of Plenty, boosting the development of horticulture and employment opportunities in the area.