Keep up to date with the latest pitopito kōrero.
Update on the Māori Trustee Response to Cyclone Gabrielle
With the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle still very much on the minds of all, the Māori Trustee, Dr Charlotte Severne, has acknowledged the manaakitanga shown by volunteers and communities during this dif...
Notice to owners of unadministered Māori land in Tairāwhiti and Takitimu
Notice to Owners of Unadministered Māori Land in the Tairāwhiti and Takitumu Māori Land Districts.
2023 Tax Certificates are on their way
Tax Certificates for the year ending 31 March 2023 are being sent to owners and whānau trusts.
Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Finalists Announced
Congratulations to this year's Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award Finalists.
Ahuwhenua Finalists announced
The finalists in this year’s Ahuwhenua Trophy for the top Māori horticulturalists have been announced at a special function held at Parliament on Wednesday by the Minister for Māori Development, Hon W...
Māori Trustee sends message of support following Cyclone Gabrielle
Tū tira mai ngā iwi… TĀTOU, TĀTOU E!!!
Māori Trustee, Dr Charlotte Severne, says the impact on whenua Māori and Māori landowners will be significant in the wake of Cyclone Gabrielle.
Māori Trustee reflects about kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga on Waitangi Day
A message about kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga from Dr Charlotte Severne, the Māori Trustee.
He Aituā Titewhai Harawira
Māori Trustee, Dr Charlotte Severne (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) and kaimahi of Te Tumu Paeroa are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Titewhai Harawira.
A passion for protecting whenua Māori
Hannah's tell us how her role as Mātanga Taipakeke Rawa Taiao Resource and Environmental Specialist with Te Tumu Paeroa has helped her follow her passion.